Personal training can help you address the fitness problems you may struggle with. What if you could have that personal training and a fun, yet effective way to get into shape? You can! Now there’s personal training and kickboxing in Chino. You get a personal trainer and the confidence building addition of kickboxing all, at the same place.
Personal trainers keep you focused on results.
Working with a trainer is far more enjoyable than working out on your own. You get the expertise of the trainer that provides a workout that accomplishes more in less time. Trainers first listen to your goals, learn about any special needs, and then assess your overall fitness. They not only note muscle groups that need work, but also your strength, flexibility, endurance and balance fitness.
Kickboxing Makes Working Out Fun
Kickboxing is a great addition to training. While working out with a trainer helps keep you focused, kickboxing takes it a step further. It’s a sport, so it offers all the challenges of a sport. You focus on getting more proficient, and less on losing weight or building muscles. It makes working out fun!
Personal Training And Kickboxing At One Love Increases Motivation.
A personal trainer at One Love Fit Club will hold you accountable for your success and workout. He or she tracks your progress and varies the workout often. You’ll show up for your workout, when you know you’ll be working with a One Love trainer. Let’s face it, no matter how great the program is, if you don’t do it, it offers no benefit. While trainers add motivation, so does kickboxing. People enjoy the activity, so they never look at the clock to see how much more time they have to spend. It adds even more motivation and fun.
When you work with a personal trainer at One Love Fit Club, he or she can help you get into better shape with kickboxing. This will help you achieve your fitness goals, so it becomes part of your training.
A One Love personal trainer shows you the right way to do each exercise and watches to ensure you do it right. Doing a workout wrong can cause injury or cut the benefits.
Kickboxing trainers can help you build strength, endurance and flexibility. In fact, when you’re kickboxing, you’re moving muscles on all different planes quickly. That builds functional fitness.
Personal training gives you the one-on-one attention you need to get the most from your workout. Kickboxing at One Love Fit Club provides the camaraderie that a group workout offers.
Start your fitness journey today! Fill out the form below and one of our trainers will contact you! Take the next step – you won’t regret it.
To see if One Love Fit Club is right for you, fill out the form below,
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Now You Can Get Personal Training And Kickboxing In Chino At One Location
Intro Special: 5 kickboxing classes and free gloves for $78 ($139 value!)
Benefits of Our Program Include:
- Functional Fitness
- Weight Loss
- Cardio & Muscular Endurance
- Burn up to 500+ Calories per class
- Build Strength
- Balance & Coordination
- Improve Mobility & Tight Joints
- All Levels welcomed
- We work you out at “YOUR PACE”

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