Find More Energy With Kickboxing

If you continuously run out of energy before the end of the day, exercise will help. You may say that you don’t have time to exercise, but think about the time you use online or watching videos or TV! You may say, “Hey, that’s my entertainment. It’s my way of getting rid of the stress of the day. I enjoy it.” We get that. Everyone should have something they enjoy as a treat after a full day of work. That’s why kickboxing can be the perfect way to get the workout that builds your energy and burns off stress. It’s so much fun!!!!

The body is amazing. The harder you work it, the more energy you have.

Sure, the first time you go to a kickboxing class, you’ll go home feeling dragged out. It’s a good kind of tired, since you’ll also have that euphoric feeling from burning off stress and increasing those happy hormones that happens when you exercise. The longer you attend kickboxing training, the more energized you’ll feel as it builds your endurance and strength.

You’ll start to feel more energized after you workout.

When you kickbox, it boosts your circulation and sends oxygen and nutrient laden blood to all cells of your body. It energizes you as it improves your focus and cognitive functioning, which includes your concentration. It provides a type of high-intensity interval training that has been found to increase attention and short-term memory. You’ll be ready to take on the world.

You’ll get better sleep after you start kickboxing.

That exercise helps you to get a better quality of rest and even helped people with insomnia. One study published in the Journal of Sleep Research, April 2015 edition, found that as little as 150 minutes of exercise every week reduced the symptoms of insomnia and improved sleeping patterns. Not only does it reduce stress and improve overall mood, it helps reset the circadian rhythm that dictates the awake/asleep cycle. More sleep means more energy the next day.

Kickboxing can help you lose weight. Losing weight can help with several sleep issues, such as sleep apnea, acid reflux or back pain. The higher quality of sleep you get, the more rested you’ll feel.

You’ll have fun when you use kickboxing as your type of exercise. There’s nothing more energizing as having fun.

The longer you workout, the more you’ll notice a boost in your energy. It won’t take long before you’ll find you get everything done faster and have energy to spare at the end of the day.

If you’re feeling exhausted at the end of the day, it’s time to change all that. Call, message or come in and find out how we can help. At One Love Fit Club, we offer both kickboxing classes and personal training, which can help boost your energy level quickly.

Want to Learn More About KickBoxing?

Contact me today here or call me at 909-529-2201.

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