Get Your Summer Body

%image_alt%If you haven’t started working on your summer body, start today. You still have time to look fabulous by the end of summer, plus boost your energy level out of sight so you enjoy every last minute of it through fall and into winter. You’ll not only see noticeable improvement this summer, you’ll look positively fantastic for the holidays and ring in the New Year with new with confidence and renewed energy.

Mixing it up will help you shed pounds quicker.

Getting the most from a workout comes from putting your maximum effort. That’s why I try to keep each workout new and exciting, which also helps you burn more calories. When you do the same exercises every workout allows your body to get more efficient doing each movement. Just as you become more efficient at your job the more you do it, it takes less effort. For your body, that means it burns fewer calories and you lose less weight.

Kickboxing not only burns fat fast and builds muscles quickly, it also gives makes you more confident.

I love introducing clients to kickboxing, not just because it’s fantastic for burning fat and building strong lean muscle mass, but for all the other benefits it offers. First, it’s fun and keeps your mind focused while you learn each move. That makes the training time seem way too short, even though it’s the same amount of time you normally workout. It also helps you build confidence and provides a full body workout. If you’re like most people, you’ll fall in love with the tough workout that invigorates and energizes you.

You’ll see faster results than you ever would working out on your own.

With summer already started, you don’t have time to waste. You need to make every minute count to have a great summer body. If you’ve worked out on your own, but failed to get the results you wanted, it’s time to use the services of a professional. I can help you achieve more in less time! Adding a healthy diet to a program of regular exercise blasts fat off by reducing your overall caloric intake and increasing the number of calories you burn.

A healthy diet doesn’t mean dieting. Dieting is restrictive and leaves you feeling deprived. Worse of all diets always end. Eating healthy means making wiser choices when it comes to food.

A healthy diet and regular exercise not only will help take pounds off fast, it also takes them off for life.

You’ll be boosting your metabolism, which not only makes weight loss easier, but also keeps pounds from returning.

Exercise is a stress buster. It burns off the hormones created by stress, such as cortisol. Cortisol is linked to the development of abdominal fat.

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