Is Working Out Enough Or Do I Need To Change My Diet?

People come to One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA, to get fit, lose weight and feel more energetic. We focus on working out, but also recommend that you quit eating junk food if you do and change your diet to a healthier one. That’s important if you want to get fit faster, but the change can occur naturally once you start working out. That’s right! In many cases, clients quit craving junk and automatically opt for healthier whole foods. Sometimes, the decision is made consciously to help improve their workout, but other times it happens naturally.

Great bodies are made in the gym and in the kitchen.

If you workout hard and then immediately stop for a beer, fries, burger and dessert, you won’t make the progress you hope to achieve. That’s because you’re probably eating more calories than you burned. However, eating healthy doesn’t have to be a big deal that you suffer through for fitness. Most people find that eating a healthy source of protein and lots of fresh vegetables actually make them feel better and even taste better after they workout.

Healthy eating isn’t dieting and shouldn’t be treated like a diet.

What’s wrong with a diet? Besides the fact that you feel deprived and are always hungry, dieting always ends. That’s why we focus on healthy eating and healthy cooking. The first step isn’t easy, but it’s simple. Just give up foods with added sugar. That’s extremely simple, but when you try it, you’ll find you crave sugar. That’s because it’s addictive and stimulates the same area of the brain that opioids do.

Fried foods and highly processed foods should be avoided, too.

Steamed, boiled and roasted are all great ways to cook. Steaming vegetables is one of the best ways to help maintain the nutrients in the food. However, just cutting out refined flour products, cutting out fried foods and foods with added sugar can be enough to make your meals healthier, so you’ll get the maximum benefits from your workout, lose weight faster and boost your overall energy level.

  • Which is more important, eating healthy or working out? They’re both important. However, we believe that once you start working out, you’ll find healthy eating far easier. The reverse is also true. Once you start eating healthy, you’ll get more benefit from your workout.
  • Our personal trainers will help you with all your fitness needs. We encourage healthy eating and can provide tips that we use for our fitness regimen.
  • Once you start working out, you’ll have more energy and crave added sugar even less. You’ll be amazed at how great fresh fruit tastes and how sweet it is once you give up added sugar. Added sugar alters your taste buds so you need more sweetness.
  • We offer a 30-day full money back guarantee. We know you’ll love the experience you have and the amazing results you’ll get in just 30-days, so it’s a win-win situation. You risk nothing and could start on the road to total fitness.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

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