DNJ Fitness

Ways to Alleviate Back Pain

Ways to Alleviate Back Pain

Do you sit at a desk and work at your computer all day? Do you have achy and fatigued back pain by the end of the day?

This is common for many working professionals out there. Sitting at a desk hunched over with your legs bent, puts strain on the lower back and causes hamstrings to get tight, which also adds to lower back tension.

To alleviate some of this pain, you can try and set about 5-10 min, 3-4 times a day and hold your posture at an upright position (sit up straight). This will relieve some back tension and also remind you to fix your posture throughout the day.

Having a healthy, strong back and good posture can prevent many health issues that can occur in the future such as:

1. headaches/migraines
2. sinus/congestion issues
3. arm numbness/weakness
4. range of motion
5. hamstring issues/tightness
6. minimize medications
7. improve sleep
8. improve immune system
9. increase energy
10. increase overall physiological functions of the body

Another way to fix back pain for good is having a good, consistent workout regimen with balanced muscle groups doing resistance/strengthening exercises.

Doing proper resistance and strengthening exercises for all the MAJOR MUSCLE GROUPS will:

1. balance front, back, upper, and lower body muscle strengths
2. correct poor posture
3. minimize back pain
4. strengthen good posture

Try these out, let me know if you have any questions or If you are interested in receiving more detailed information and would like to evaluateYOUR current level of HEALTH and FITNESS. Please fill out the form below to set up your firstFREE Personal Training Consultation:

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Green Tea for Pre-Workout

Green Tea for Pre-Workout

Do you find that pre-workout powders make you too jittery and strung out? Do you not enjoy the taste or feel of coffee drinks?

A great alternative for a pre-workout pick-me-up could be GREEN TEA. Green tea has a good enough amount of natural, healthy caffeine that can give you that extra boost of energy for your workouts. For the warmer Summer months, try iced green tea with natural honey for some added sweetness. Try to drink your Green Tea “Pre Workout” about 30 minutes before you go workout. It feels much cleaner and lighter than coffee and is much healthier than any energy drink out there.

In addition to that boost of energy, GREEN TEA has many other benefits that help to aid your overall health:

1. Powerful Anti-oxidantGreen Tea for Pre Workout
2. Improves Brain Function
3. Increases Fat Burning & Improves Physical Performance
4. Lowers Risks for Cancer
5. Lowers Risks of Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease
6. Improves Dental Health by killing certain bacteria
7. Lowers Risk for Type II Diabetes
8. Reduces Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
9. Helps Lose Weight and Lower Risk of Obesity
10. Helps You Live Longer

If you are interested in receiving more detailed information and would like to evaluateYOUR current level of HEALTH and FITNESS. Please fill out the form below to set up your first FREE Personal Training Consultation:

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Low-Calorie Alcoholic Drinks for Summer!

Low-Calorie Alcoholic Drinks for Summer!

Finding it hard to stay away from the alcohol this summer? Vodka, Soda Water, Limes

Summer is here guys! That means Summer BBQ’s, weddings, parties, and other social events, which means….alcohol! Alcohol is a big factor in trying to stay on our fitness goals. Yes, they’re just drinks, but alcohol converts into sugar and sugar into fat! Let alone the mixers and sodas mixed in the drinks as well or beer which also has about 154 calories per can.

Here is a list of some low-calorie drinks that you can substitute for those high calorie sugary drinks. 

          1) Vodka, Soda water, Limes

          2) Mojito-rum, Mint, Limes, Soda water, Stevia (instead of syrup)

          3) Champagne (less calories than beer and wine)

          4) Sangria with fresh fruit

          5) Gin, Tonic (or diet), Lemons

          6) Vodka, Diet Ginger Ale

OF COURSE, if you can stay away from alcohol altogether when on your fitness goals, that would be best. But if drinking is not easily avoidable, try these drinks for your substitutions for beer and other sugary drinks! Enjoy!

If you are interested in setting up your first FREE Personal Training Consultation to evaluate your current level of fitness and health, please fill out the form below:

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Kickboxing For Health

Kickboxing For Health

%image_alt%While it’s a tough sport, kickboxing can be a huge benefit to your self-esteem, health and confidence. If you use kickboxing for health, you’ll get more than just the benefit of a rigorous workout, you’ll be burning stress hormones that can cause damage to your body if left unchecked. In fact, while not all people use kickboxing as a stress release, everyone who participates in kickboxing notices how great and relaxed they feel after a session, burning off all the anger and frustration of the day.

You’ll get a great cardiovascular workout with kickboxing.

You’ll get your heart pumping and start breathing hard after just a few minutes if you’re not already in shape. It’s a great aerobic exercise that doesn’t ever get boring, so you tend to participate in it longer, getting even more benefit. This is one type of overall body exercise that involves flexibility, strength, endurance combined with mental reflexes to assess your partner and anticipate your opponents next move.

You’ll burn fat fast with kickboxing.

Kickboxing burns hundreds of calories every hour, approximately 750. It helps burn fat faster, while building strength and endurance in the process. You’ll build lean muscle mass, which also burns more calories 24/7 than fat does. Weight loss from eating healthier and physical exercise can help control serious conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and even some forms of cancer.

You’ll learn the art of self-defense and build self-esteem in the process.

No one wants to be in a life and death situation, but when you have skills in self-defense, it can help prevent it. Robbers, thugs, rapists and muggers tend to choose people who look like victims, ones who’ll resist the least. If you’re walking tall and look confident and fit, you probably won’t be chosen. However, that doesn’t mean you should take chances and use back alleys as a short cut home. If you are grabbed from behind, you’ll have the moves to break the hold. Either you or the attacker will end up running. Most of the time, it’s the attacker.

You’ll workout longer because it won’t feel like a workout. You’ll also look forward to sessions and tend to stick with the program.

You’ll tone and firm your entire body. Kickboxing uses all the muscles in the body, whether punching or kicking, everything gets a good workout.

You’ll improve your circulation, which not only helps improve your health, makes you look fantastic and years younger.

You’ll build your flexibility. Improved range of motion can help prevent serious injuries whether you’re doing everyday tasks or exercising. You’ll move with more grace when you increase your flexibility.

Get Your Summer Body

Get Your Summer Body

%image_alt%If you haven’t started working on your summer body, start today. You still have time to look fabulous by the end of summer, plus boost your energy level out of sight so you enjoy every last minute of it through fall and into winter. You’ll not only see noticeable improvement this summer, you’ll look positively fantastic for the holidays and ring in the New Year with new with confidence and renewed energy.

Mixing it up will help you shed pounds quicker.

Getting the most from a workout comes from putting your maximum effort. That’s why I try to keep each workout new and exciting, which also helps you burn more calories. When you do the same exercises every workout allows your body to get more efficient doing each movement. Just as you become more efficient at your job the more you do it, it takes less effort. For your body, that means it burns fewer calories and you lose less weight.

Kickboxing not only burns fat fast and builds muscles quickly, it also gives makes you more confident.

I love introducing clients to kickboxing, not just because it’s fantastic for burning fat and building strong lean muscle mass, but for all the other benefits it offers. First, it’s fun and keeps your mind focused while you learn each move. That makes the training time seem way too short, even though it’s the same amount of time you normally workout. It also helps you build confidence and provides a full body workout. If you’re like most people, you’ll fall in love with the tough workout that invigorates and energizes you.

You’ll see faster results than you ever would working out on your own.

With summer already started, you don’t have time to waste. You need to make every minute count to have a great summer body. If you’ve worked out on your own, but failed to get the results you wanted, it’s time to use the services of a professional. I can help you achieve more in less time! Adding a healthy diet to a program of regular exercise blasts fat off by reducing your overall caloric intake and increasing the number of calories you burn.

A healthy diet doesn’t mean dieting. Dieting is restrictive and leaves you feeling deprived. Worse of all diets always end. Eating healthy means making wiser choices when it comes to food.

A healthy diet and regular exercise not only will help take pounds off fast, it also takes them off for life.

You’ll be boosting your metabolism, which not only makes weight loss easier, but also keeps pounds from returning.

Exercise is a stress buster. It burns off the hormones created by stress, such as cortisol. Cortisol is linked to the development of abdominal fat.

Is Your Workout High Energy?

Is Your Workout High Energy?

%image_alt%If your workout is high energy, you’ll get huge benefits that you don’t get from yoga or simple strength training.. You’ll be working your cardiovascular system to the max, which helps build your endurance, making other forms of exercise easier. You’ll be strengthening your heart and improving your circulation, which helps build your overall health and makes you look fantastic. That’s because improved circulation sends oxygen and nutrient rich blood to all parts of the body, including the skin.

You’ll burn fat faster with a high energy workout.

Studies show that high energy workouts are more than just great cardio workouts, they also burn massive amounts of calories, while building muscle tissue in the process. Not only will it help you burn calories while you’re working out, the muscles you build will boost your metabolism. That’s because muscle tissue burns far more calories than fat tissue does, so you’ll burn more calories even when you’re not working out.

You’ll get the benefits of high intensity training.

When you use a high energy workout, you can’t go at peak speed all the time, which means you’ll be doing high intensity training—HIT. That’s when you have bursts of maximum potential followed by periods of a less intense workout. That could identify the type of workout you get from sports like kickboxing or Muay Thai. HIT burns achieves more progress in a shorter time period than other types of exercise. It can do more good in a half hour than some other forms of exercise do in an hour. It’s a great workout for people on the go.

You’ll preserve muscle tissue as you lose weight, thanks to HGH—human growth hormone.

High intensity training stimulates the production of HGH by as much as 450 percent within 24 hours. HGH is responsible for slowing down the aging process, keeping you younger looking longer. When you add to that the increased circulation to help build healthy cells, you’ll be looking younger than ever in just a few months. HGH also helps the body burn calories, so you’ll lose weight faster.

You’ll work hard, but not for long periods. It’s just enough workout at maximum potential to build, but still short enough that it won’t overwhelm you and you can keep up.

You’ll be pushing harder than ever and see results faster than you would otherwise.

You’ll keep your body burning calories for hours after working out. Intense workouts put the body in calorie burning mode for two hours after ending the workout.

You’ll never get bored with a high energy workout, which means you’re more likely to stick with an exercise program.