
Splitting Your Workout Days For Faster Results

Splitting Your Workout Days For Faster Results

There are people that firmly believe that full body workouts are the only way to go and those who believe you should be splitting your workout days for faster results. Which one is the right way to go? There are good reasons for each type of workout. What is a split workout? It’s where you divide or split your workout into various target areas, such as upper body days and lower body days, with abs on either or both and focus on that one area each workout. A full body workout is just like the name implies, you work all parts each day.

Split workouts can help you focus on specific muscles or muscle groups.

People who want to contour their body more, such as a bodybuilder, normally use a split workout. It lets you focus more intensity on that particular muscle or muscle group. It’s good for balancing muscles and fix imbalances. You can stimulate the muscle or group of muscles to fatigue, stimulating growth and repair. Building bigger muscles is also a benefit of splitting your workout. You can also rest your muscles for longer for recovery.

If your schedule is tight, full body workouts are the answer.

Are you restricted to three days of exercise a week by a tight schedule? Split training may not be the right approach for you. You can always switch later if you choose. You may not be searching for perfection, just a better build, weight loss and good health. A full body workout can do all three, with less time in the gym. You can spend those extra days doing fun things, like kickboxing…which is also a full body workout. Full body workouts burn a lot of calories, since it works more muscle groups and joints at once. It’s great for a beginner.

If big guns are your focus, you’ll get faster results with split workouts.

There are a number of different types of split workouts. I’ve mentioned the upper/lower body type, but there are also push/pull workouts where you train opposing muscle groups. You work muscles that have opposing actions, such as hamstrings and quads. If big guns are your goal, focusing on biceps and triceps is a good example of an antagonistic workout that you can do.

  • Your goal determines the best type of workout, and if it’s to build a specific area of the body, then split workouts are best. For overall fitness and weight loss, full body workouts are best.
  • One problem with using a split routine is flexibility. If you skip a day at the gym, it can throw off your schedule. It can slow your progress tremendously.
  • People who use split workouts often spend six days a week at the gym, so they can focus on different major muscle groups each day. It does build larger stronger muscles in a shorter amount of time and is good for both weight lifters and bodybuilders.
  • For most people, the type of workout you choose isn’t nearly as important as getting exercise. Doing something you enjoy should also play a big role in your regimen. It’s one reason why people include kickboxing in their workout program. It’s fun, so they’re more likely to stick with it.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Prepackaged Sports Bars - Good Or Bad?

Prepackaged Sports Bars – Good Or Bad?

I know that I’m constantly focused on eating whole foods and avoiding prepacked, highly processed ones, but there are some exceptions. Salads premade in the grocery may be healthy, just as prepackaged sports bars can be good or bad. How do you tell the difference? One way is to read the labels. Everyone is rushed for time, so finding a pre-workout or post workout snack that’s quick can be a big benefit. Here are some ways to identify healthy and unhealthy ones.

Read the ingredients and check for added sugar.

You may find several different names for sugar, which range from corn syrup, maltose, to glucose, fructose and dextrose, just to name a few. Learn the variety of names for sugar and when you find more than one on a label, you know they’re trying to hide the sugar content, by breaking it up to several types, so all are lower on the ingredients label and it doesn’t look as bad.

Identify unhealthy fat and poor protein sources.

If the protein bar lists partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and any other partially hydrogenated oils it is probably a source of trans fats. Always check the label to see if it has any trans fats. The government recently required the labels show how much, but if the amount is under 0.5 grams per serving, the company can show 0 grams. Again, check to see how many servings per sports bar. If it’s more than one serving, they may be hiding something.

Look for sports bars with few ingredients and ones you can recognize.

So many of the “healthy” protein bars have a list of ingredients an arm long, many of which you can’t pronounce. Opt for ones where the ingredients are recognized, like organic flax seed, organic dates or organic oats. The healthiest ones have whole foods with the sweetness coming from dried fruit. You’ll recognize them immediately when you can visualize every ingredient. Most don’t contain added protein in the form of casein, which can cause stomach upset, but get the protein from nuts, seeds or collagen from grass-fed animal sources.

  • Some of the healthiest sports bars or energy bars may also be more expensive. It’s worth the investment. Often the cheaper options are more like eating a candy bar after a workout or a run.
  • The sports bar is used for refueling, not for a complete meal. The ratio of carbs to protein should be approximately 4 to 1. Don’t go for energy bars that are high in fiber and fat, as they can affect your digestion and cause GI problems if you eat them before a tough workout.
  • Avoid all sports bars that contain artificial sweetener. They may be lower in calories, but there are several studies that show they aren’t healthy and can actually cause you to gain weight around your middle, while messing with your metabolism.
  • Companies often make several types of sports bars, some are healthier than others. Just because one bar in their line is super healthy, it doesn’t mean all of them are. Read the labels for each bar.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Exercises To Relieve Stress

Exercises To Relieve Stress

People come to One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA, for a number of reasons besides just getting fit. I have clients who are in great shape come in every day to stay fit and relieve stress. Exercise is a great way to help burn off the hormones stress creates. The hormones come from the fight or flight response that prepares your body for either if you’re facing danger. Today, fighting or running isn’t a logical response to many of the modern stressors, like traffic jams, angry bosses or an overdue bill, so your body never burns off the stress hormones and doesn’t return to normal. Exercise helps you do that.

Running is a great way to burn off stress.

What better way to mimic running in fear than running for exercise. Running is just one aerobic exercise that burns off stress hormones, but probably the simplest and most familiar. It gets your heart pumping and makes you breathe heavily. Other aerobic exercises, including brisk walking, will provide the same benefits as a run. Studies show that all types of exercise that gets your heart pumping and increases your breathing can help with anxiety, which often comes from stress.

Alternate your intensity for maximum benefits.

If you do a steady state run, you’ll get the benefit of burning off stress, but switching your run to a high intensity interval training—HIIT—-run, then back to moderate, can bring even more benefits. When you alternate your intensity from peak intensity to a moderate recovery intensity and then back again, you work your body harder, burn more calories and increase the fitness benefits you’d get from a steady state workout. You can HIIT for any type of exercise, including walking.

Do something you enjoy.

Any tough workout, whether it’s weight lifting or calisthenics can burn off stress hormones, but so can fun activities. Riding bikes, dancing to fast music and playing team sports work well, too. While coming to the gym can help ensure you get a full exercise program, on your days away from the gym, do something you love that is also active.

  • Exercising outside in nature can also relieve stress. It combines the relaxing aspects of nature with the stress hormone burning workout. Some find that grounding, exercising on the grass in bare feet, also increases positive energy.
  • Burning off stress is important for mental health, but it also is important for physical health. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, are associated with the accumulation of visceral fat—abdominal fat—the most dangerous type to your health.
  • You can get too much of a good thing. Doing tough strength training two to three times a week is important, but it’s not good every day. It actually increases your body’s stress because you don’t give your muscles time to heal.
  • If you’re having trouble finding ways to burn off stress at home, turn up the music. Fast dancing and getting into the music is like an HIIT workout. You adjust the intensity continually.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Exercises To Strengthen Knees

Exercises To Strengthen Knees

Does it hurt when you stand up out of a chair or kneel down to tie your shoes. You need help before it’s too late. Your knees take a beating every time you walk or put pressure on your legs. It’s especially true if you’re overweight. Wear and tear on knees can cause osteoarthritis, bursitis and tendonitis. How do you avoid that? Do exercises to strengthen knees and get the fluids that lubricate the joints moving. If you already have damage, get help with personal training that can modify exercises and build the muscles around the knees to make them stronger.

Aside from knee replacement surgery, exercise is a good option to improve mobility.

It can’t be said often enough. Before you start any fitness program, always check with your health care provider to ensure it’s safe for you to do. You can build your entire body as you do exercises to build the muscles around your knees. Walking is one place to start, but there are other exercises, like a straight leg raise. Lay on your back on the floor with one leg bent and the other straight ahead. Raise the leg that’s extended about six inches off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and then lower. Repeat five times and then do the other leg.

Doing kicks can help your knees become fitter.

Have you ever felt like kicking your own backside when you’ve messed up? Now you can do it and it’s called exercise. You can do it standing or laying on your abdomen. It’s simple. Lift one leg until the heel hits your bottom, lower it and lift the other side. Take a cue from swimming with a butterfly kick. It’s a series of fluttering kicks. You don’t have to get in the water to do them, but as an exercise they’re called flutter kicks. Lay on your stomach. Lay flat and lift one leg high and holding, then slowly lower it back to the ground. You can do

Do some stretches before you workout that will help improve your range of motion.

A downward dog calf stretch, basic hamstring stretch, side to side and front to front pendulum and a standing quad stretch will all help improve your range of motion and get you read to exercise. The seated quad stretch can build the muscles, too. Sit on the floor with one leg bent and one straight out and then attempt to force the back of the knee that’s extended into the floor. Switch legs. You can add one step to that process by adding quad extensions. After you press your leg to the floor, lift the foot of the bent leg and press it forward, straightening it, then returning it to bent position.

  • Swimming is a good way to build knee muscles because the body is buoyant, so there’s less pressure on the knee. Hang on to the edge of the pool and extend your body, then do a butterfly kick.
  • Floor lateral leg raises can build the muscles at the side of the knee. They’re gentle on the knee, but work your lower body. Lay on your side with your head resting on one raised arm and other arm balancing you. Raise the leg on top as high as you can and hold, lowering slowly. Switch sides.
  • Drink more water. You need fluid to lubricate the joints, so even minor dehydration can cause pain and difficulty moving. Eat healthy to lose weight if that’s a problem. Excess weight on a joint can cause debilitation.
  • As you build strength in your knees, try wall squats. Use the wall as support for your back, pressing your pelvis into it, and slowly lower yourself to squat position. If you feel pain with any exercise, quit doing it, especially if it’s sharp, shooting pain.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Best Exercises For A Flat Tummy

Best Exercises For A Flat Tummy

We focus on your goals at One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA. Many of you want to take the bulge out of your belly and get that flat washboard look. While I will focus on exercises for a flat tummy, I also have to start by saying a healthy diet is extremely important when you want to get rid of belly fat. You can’t out exercise a bad diet. If you have a problem and don’t lose weight, no matter how many exercises you do, you won’t get the results you want. Those perfect muscles won’t show if they’re covered with fat. Spot exercises won’t take weight off in just specific areas, but off the whole body, so losing weight should be your first step.

Easy ab exercises you can do at home are good options.

Try a plank. The plank is one of the technically easiest, but it’s not necessarily easy to do. It can be grueling. Lay on the floor on your abdomen with your toes touching the floor. Your arms should be bent at the elbow with your forearms on the floor. Lift your body up resting only on your forearms and toes. Hold your body straight in that position. Start by holding it for a minute and then work up to holding it through several commercials (usually two minutes or three) if you’re watching TV.

Pose and hold with the yoga boat pose called Navasana.

Sit on the floor, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slightly lean backward as you lift your feet, creating a 45 degree angle to the floor with your legs and a 45 degree angle to the floor with your upper body. Your legs and body should create a V. Stretch your arms forward so the palms are beside the knees. This exercise works your core muscles that help you balance. Keep your abs tight and stomach flat and then lower after a minute and work toward longer.

Bicycle style exercises can flatten your stomach and build abdominal muscles.

Lay on your back with your hands behind your head interwoven. Use them to help lift your head off the floor and provide support. Lift one leg off the floor and bend the knee of the other leg to form a 90 degree angle. Make a bicycling motion straightening one leg and you bring the other toward your chest. As the knee comes toward the chest, try to tap it with the elbow of the opposite arm. Then lower the leg and lift the other. The twisting motion combined with the tightening of the abs will whittle your mid section.

  • Bicycle style crunches are great for flattening your tummy, but so is bicycling. If you want to work your abs while you have fun, start riding a bike every time you can, even to work or the grocery.
  • Increase fiber in your diet by including more fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps push food through your system and helps you lose weight. Cut out products with added sugar and caffeine for the best results.
  • Burn calories and build abs with simple tools like a hula hoop, balance ball or jump rope. You can have fun with the kids having jump rope or hula hoop contests, too.
  • Kickboxing is excellent for flattening your stomach and it burns tons of calories. You’ll notice how much stronger you feel and how many inches you lose, eventually seeing that flat tummy you want.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Can Vitamin D Help With Knee Pain?

Can Vitamin D Help With Knee Pain?

People come to One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA, to workout hard and get into shape. That can’t happen if they’re in pain. That’s one reason I get so many questions about joint and knee pain. Some people have read about the benefits of vitamin D to solve this pain. Is it helpful? If so, why? I’m always looking for natural and nutritional ways to help combat the problems of everyday life. That’s one reason I decided to look into the potential effectiveness of vitamin D for knee and other joint pain.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D does a lot of things for your body. In fact, it’s beneficial to help boost your immune system. Technically, it’s not a vitamin but a steroid hormone, similar to sex hormones and adrenal. It comes from cholesterol that’s converted to pre-vitamin D3 when the sun hits it. However, melanin blocks the sun, so people with darker skin may not get enough from sun exposure. The same is true of those that wear sun block. Like a hormone, vitamin D binds to receptors and stimulates reactions with all cells.

Vitamin D plays a role in many functions.

Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium to make stronger bones and teeth. It provides protection from multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, cancer and boosts your immune system. It helps boost lung and cardiovascular health while protecting the brain and nervous system. During the pandemic, studies showed that groups who had low vitamin D levels, such as the obese and people of darker skin color with more melanin that blocked the sun’s rays, also had the most instances of covid-19. A deficiency in vitamin D can even affect mental health.

Vitamin D deficiency can also cause increased muscle and joint pain.

Studies aren’t conclusive, but there is a lot of data that points to low levels of vitamin D as one of the culprits that can increase knee and other joint pain. Rheumatoid arthritis—RA—pain can occur in the hips, knees and legs due to a deficiency of vitamin D. Studies indicate vitamin D may be anti-inflammatory. Studies show that chronic deficiency may lead to RA. One study showed that people with RA had a higher incidence of D deficiency. Another research project noted a D deficiency put people at risk of inflammatory diseases, while a third showed that the evidence is not strong enough to firmly link D deficiency with chronic knee and joint pain.

  • Studies show that about 42% of the population are vitamin D deficient. Studies show that D supplements reduced respiratory infections and a recent study of 216 covid patients showed 80% had a vitamin D deficiency.
  • Safe sunning means sunning at noon when it’s at its highest point for 13 minutes three times a week for Caucasian adults at the latitude of the UK, longer if further north. Use sun block at other times. The darker your skin, the more sun you need. People with darker skin need 30 minutes to three hours more.
  • It’s hard to get vitamin D from your diet, but some foods do contain higher amounts, such as salmon caught in the wild, tuna, mackerel, eggs, sardines; beef liver, cod liver oil and mushrooms.
  • People who live north of 37 degrees above the equator (approximately level with Atlanta, Georgia) will find it next to impossible to get adequate sun in the winter. Choosing high vitamin D foods and supplements are the logical choice at those times.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Diet/Lifestyle May Play A Role In Alzheimer's Disease

Diet/Lifestyle May Play A Role In Alzheimer’s Disease

Are we getting closer to solving the mystery of Alzheimer’s disease and eradicating it forever? We are getting closer with more information, even if we haven’t found the final answer. There’s a lot of information that indicates diet/lifestyle changes can lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease or at least postpone the onset. Diet and exercise play a big role in the onset of the disease, but so do other factors, such as age and genetics. The difference is, we can control diet and lifestyle, but changing genetics or age isn’t possible.

Your genes play an important role in the potential for Alzheimer’s.

Based on a study from Mayo clinics in Jacksonville, Fl and Rochester, MN, genetics play a big role. They found a gene APOE4 that occurred in approximately 50% of Alzheimer’s patients that affects how the brain cells use insulin. That gene causes cells fail to use it properly and cause the cells to die of starvation, creating Alzheimer’s symptoms. That genetic factor increased the risk by ten to fifteen times higher.

Inflammation and oxidative stress are affected by your diet.

Inflammation and oxidative stress are also underlying conditions that make the brain ripe for Alzheimer’s. Another way of looking at it is that diet causes diabetes, heart disease and obesity, which may encourage Alzheimer’s disease. Recently, the study of the gut microbiome and its relationship to Alzheimer’s and other diseases of aging has opened even more pathways to understand the role of diet and lifestyle in it.

The MIND diet has shown some promise of help.

The MIND— Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay—diet is a combination of the DASH—Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension—and the Mediterranean diet. It’s primarily plant-based and focuses on eating leafy greens and other vegetables, plus berries, nuts, whole grains, fish, poultry beans and olive oil, while also staying away from eating more than four servings of red meat a week, less than a tablespoon of butter or margarine a day, cutting back on cheese (less than one serving a week), pastries and fried foods. They found that particularly leafy greens, berries, nuts and even a little champagne or coffee can help keep the brain strong.

  • Exercise also boosts brain health and can help reduce the potential of Alzheimer’s and dementia. It increases circulation and can help reduce insulin resistance in all parts of the body.
  • Eating probiotic foods and low glycemic foods, plus those high in omega-3, vitamins D, B12 and folate can help the brain. Eating more healthy protein and healthy fat while lowering unhealthy carbs also can prevent mental deterioration.
  • Stress may play a role in Alzheimer’s, just as it does in other diseases. Learn meditation and deep breathing to reduce stress. Exercise also help to burn off the hormones of stress and improve your sleep at night.
  • Foods that contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and spices or herbs, such as turmeric may inhibit the deposits found in the brain of people with Alzheimer’s. People who had lower levels of vitamin D were twice as likely to develop dementia or Alzheimer’s.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Is Working Out Enough Or Do I Need To Change My Diet?

Is Working Out Enough Or Do I Need To Change My Diet?

People come to One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA, to get fit, lose weight and feel more energetic. We focus on working out, but also recommend that you quit eating junk food if you do and change your diet to a healthier one. That’s important if you want to get fit faster, but the change can occur naturally once you start working out. That’s right! In many cases, clients quit craving junk and automatically opt for healthier whole foods. Sometimes, the decision is made consciously to help improve their workout, but other times it happens naturally.

Great bodies are made in the gym and in the kitchen.

If you workout hard and then immediately stop for a beer, fries, burger and dessert, you won’t make the progress you hope to achieve. That’s because you’re probably eating more calories than you burned. However, eating healthy doesn’t have to be a big deal that you suffer through for fitness. Most people find that eating a healthy source of protein and lots of fresh vegetables actually make them feel better and even taste better after they workout.

Healthy eating isn’t dieting and shouldn’t be treated like a diet.

What’s wrong with a diet? Besides the fact that you feel deprived and are always hungry, dieting always ends. That’s why we focus on healthy eating and healthy cooking. The first step isn’t easy, but it’s simple. Just give up foods with added sugar. That’s extremely simple, but when you try it, you’ll find you crave sugar. That’s because it’s addictive and stimulates the same area of the brain that opioids do.

Fried foods and highly processed foods should be avoided, too.

Steamed, boiled and roasted are all great ways to cook. Steaming vegetables is one of the best ways to help maintain the nutrients in the food. However, just cutting out refined flour products, cutting out fried foods and foods with added sugar can be enough to make your meals healthier, so you’ll get the maximum benefits from your workout, lose weight faster and boost your overall energy level.

  • Which is more important, eating healthy or working out? They’re both important. However, we believe that once you start working out, you’ll find healthy eating far easier. The reverse is also true. Once you start eating healthy, you’ll get more benefit from your workout.
  • Our personal trainers will help you with all your fitness needs. We encourage healthy eating and can provide tips that we use for our fitness regimen.
  • Once you start working out, you’ll have more energy and crave added sugar even less. You’ll be amazed at how great fresh fruit tastes and how sweet it is once you give up added sugar. Added sugar alters your taste buds so you need more sweetness.
  • We offer a 30-day full money back guarantee. We know you’ll love the experience you have and the amazing results you’ll get in just 30-days, so it’s a win-win situation. You risk nothing and could start on the road to total fitness.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Don't Overthink It - Just Start

Don’t Overthink It – Just Start

Too often people put off working out by sitting in front of a computer, looking for the best workout to get back into shape. What’s wrong with wanting the best? Absolutely nothing, except that it can mean you never start anything. Instead of hunting through videos and checking online blogs, why not just get started on something, even if it’s just taking a walk. You can always change directions and find other ways to workout. In other words, don’t overthink it – just start.

Postponing your effort to get healthier means you’ll have a harder time getting into shape.

Procrastinating never helped anyone with any problem. It just makes things worse. That’s true no matter what the situation that requires effort. If you procrastinate cleaning your home, it doesn’t get any cleaner. In fact, it often gets dustier, dirtier and more in disarray. One way to start is by picking up and putting away items as you pass them. While it’s not a complete solution, it does make some progress. The same is true for making your body fitter, taking small steps is far better than taking no steps to solve the problem.

Not everyone is fit enough for a complete workout, but increasing your activity can help you get to that point.

Do you feel like you can’t do a complete workout or is your health such that you really can’t? Do what you can. Take a few minutes every hour to walk around the room until you’re strong enough to walk a few blocks. Change your habits and park further from the store rather than circling the parking lot for a closer spot. Those extra few steps each day can be beneficial. Take the stairs. If you’re really out of shape, take it slow and rest. You can just take one flight of stairs at first and use the elevator for the rest if you’re out of shape.

We know you’ll love our kickboxing classes, but for those who aren’t sure, offer a guarantee.

We can’t make it any easier than that for those who procrastinate and want the best program. You’ve got thirty days to see results, or we give your money back. That’s our guarantee. It’s a win-win situation. You either get results and feel great or it costs you nothing. Kickboxing is fun, so most people don’t feel like they’re working out, but enjoy the activity. You’ll find that our group is extremely welcoming and you’ll make a lot of friends, which also makes it a lot more fun.

  • What are you waiting for? Stand up right now if you’re sitting down and walk in place. Do a few jumping jacks or a plank. If you want something more organized, give a call, we’re ready to help.
  • You can start eating healthier, too. Just say no to foods with added sugar and plan your snacks. Take fruit to the office with you or nuts for snacks.
  • How do you know whether you’re procrastinating or just doing your research? The answer lies in how long you’ve been searching. If you’ve thought about starting a fitness program off and on for over a week, you need to take action.
  • Working out is a great stress reliever. If you feel like you’re constantly under pressure and maybe even that you have no time to workout, you’re the type of person who really needs it. Don’t wait for stress to take its toll on your body. Start today.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club


Diet But Don't Lose Muscle

Diet But Don’t Lose Muscle

It seems like everyone is on a diet, but diets aren’t necessary to lose weight. You do have to eat healthier and need to increase your activity. The more muscle mass you have, the easier it is to lose weight and the better you’ll look when you’ve reached your goal. Is there a way to diet so you don’t lose muscle mass? Of course, there is, but it requires a diet and exercise program, rather than just a diet.

Get the look you want means having the right combination of food and exercises.

If you’re thinking about just doing cardio, STOP! Just doing cardio alone may help you lose weight, but you’ll also lose muscle tissue. You need to include strength training in your workout, which also builds muscle tissue. In fact, comparing a cardio only and a cardio and strength training workout, 25% of the cardio calories burned were from muscle tissue, while the combination of strength training and cardio almost all their calories came from burning fat.

Don’t overdo strength training or you could be sabotaging yourself.

To maximize your benefits, you should do strength training two to three days a week and make sure you get about 24-72 hours between sessions. That allows your body to heal the micro tears, which causes the muscles build. Overtraining or even training and eating too few calories can deprive your body of the necessary glycogen necessary. Training too hard and too frequently can put too much stress on your muscles, causing injury and even strain your gastrointestinal and immune system. Your trainer will create the perfect program for your needs.

No matter how hard you workout and how good your program is, in order to burn fat and build muscle, you need to eat healthy.

Eating healthy isn’t dieting. It’s all about making smarter choices. If you’re trying to build muscle and burn fat, you need a healthy diet. While you might think it’s counterintuitive, you need to eat healthy fat. Healthy fat will make you feel fuller longer, so you’ll eat less. The same is true of protein, but you also need protein to build muscles. If you did the perfect workout, only to leave the gym to eat a load of junk food, you won’t get the results you want.

  • When you eat and what you eat makes a difference, too. Eating carbs earlier in the day allows you to burn them off, rather than be stored as fat. You also need a carb and protein snack before and after a workout. Before the workout for energy and afterward to help build muscles.
  • HIIT—high intensity interval training—can burn tons of calories. If you do strength training on an HIIT format, you’ll get faster results. Kickboxing is the perfect example of a workout that varies the intensity naturally, making it more like a HIIT workout.
  • Kickboxing and our personal training programs will scorch fat and help you lose it quickly, while having fun in the process. The best types of workouts are ones you do regularly and you’ll be more likely to that when you’re having fun.
  • Losing fat and building muscle requires other important factors. Getting adequate sleep is important and so is adequate hydration. Your body needs sleep to repair muscles and dehydration limits fat metabolism.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club