Fitness & Wellness

Tips For Healthy Meals For A Busy Life

Tips For Healthy Meals For A Busy Life

I love watching clients have fun when they kickbox for their workout at One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA. I also know that they’re helping their body every time they do, but also know that it takes more than just working out to be your fittest. It takes eating nutritious foods, too. Life is busy and it’s often easier to go through a drive through on the way home, but those types of food don’t build your body or improve your chances of getting fit. If your life is already hectic, and whose isn’t, here are some healthy meals for a busy life.

Plan ahead and use the leftovers.

You don’t have to cook a big meal every day. Just planning ahead can make a difference. Toss a chicken in the air fryer, oven, Instant Pot and season it with your favorite herbs and spices. Use the chicken to top a salad, a power bowl using leftovers or main dish. If you use an electric pressure cooker, you can cook two pounds of chicken in 12 minutes, 20 minutes if it’s frozen. Make Teriyaki chicken by adding green onions, 2/3 cup low sodium teriyaki sauce, 1Tbsp honey and a fourth cup chicken broth.

Chop up vegetables and store them for those quick meals, and use leftovers.

Let’s face it, half the battle preparing a meal is chopping the vegetables. Once they’re ready, they make the perfect quick snack, especially if you have healthy dip in the fridge. You’ll have them ready for a salad, to add to soup or to steam as a side dish. Toss thinly sliced or chopped leftover veggies in a freezer bag with small cubes of chicken or shrimp. Add your favorite marinade and freeze. Saute in a skillet or bake for 15-20 minutes when you’re ready to eat this no prep meal.

Make rice or quinoa for several meals.

Make up a double or triple batch of rice or quinoa, depending on how much you like it. Use it one day in a salad with some of the extra vegetables like cucumber, spinach, red onion and avocado with a homemade dressing. The leftovers can stuff a pepper or tomato with Parmesan or other cheese, peas, and a little seasoning. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. (HINT: Put tomatoes in muffin tins, so they hold their shape.) Combine rice with a can of stewed tomatoes, a can of beans and onions for a quick beans and rice main dish.

  • Make your own healthy teriyaki sauce with a cup of water, ¼ cup soy sauce, 1.4 cup honey, one minced garlic clove, ½ tsp ginger root grated and a mixture of 2 tablespoons cornstarch mixed in 1/4 cup water. Bring all the ingredients but the cornstarch mixture to a boil, add the cornstarch mixture and continue to boil 7-10 minutes, stirring it constantly
  • Make a healthy dressing ahead that takes just a minute. Combine ½ C balsamic vinegar, ½ C extra virgin olive oil, a teaspoon garlic powder, 1 tsp salt, ¼ teaspoon black pepper and 1 tablespoon honey jar, then put on the lid and shake.
  • Always cook double the meat you’re going to use for one meal or even more. You can shred it, cube it or freeze single portions for meals later, cutting kitchen time in half.
  • Get creative. If you buy burrito shells for one night, use them another night as part of a meal. They make a great salad wrap and even delicious grilled cheese. Heat on one side, flip it over. Sprinkle cheese on half, fold the shell in half and then quarter it. Serve with soup or salad.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Does The Fat Burning Zone Really Exist?

Does The Fat Burning Zone Really Exist?

You may have heard about the fat burning zone, which is the perfect amount of intensity to burn the most fat. Some cardio machines even have a graph on them to show heart rate and fat burning. Based on the information from those machines, since it’s not at the highest intensity, these people often have more subdued exercises. However, another school of thought is that the higher the intensity, the better the workout. That also can be a fallacy.

It’s all based on your heart rate.

High-intensity workouts drive your heart rate toward maximum, while fat burning intensity is less than that, but still a bit of an effort. In order to burn fat, the body needs two things, time and oxygen. Body fat breaks down slower and requires more oxygen. The high intensity workout doesn’t provide the time and there’s less oxygen, so it uses carbohydrates instead of fat for fuel.

There’s a problem with the whole scenario that needs to be considered.

It’s all about losing weight and burning calories. While you’ll burn more fat tissue with a low intensity fat-burning zone workout, you won’t burn as many calories, so may not create a calorie deficit to lose weight. While the high intensity workout burns far more calories and will end up with more of a calorie deficit to take off weight. In the end, if you don’t burn enough calories, you won’t lose fat, no matter what intensity.

Try high-intensity interval training—HIIT.

HIIT is a way to vary the intensity of a workout. It burns fat and tons of calories, while helping you get in shape faster. You move at the highest intensity for a short time and then switch to a lower, recovery speed to get your heart rate lower for a few minutes. Switch back to a higher intensity etc. You can use HIIT with any kind of exercise and the science of it is probably the reason kickboxing gets you fit faster and burns fat. You’re constantly volleying between top intensity and recovery, making it a natural HIIT workout.

  • Finding the fat burning zone requires an effort unless you have the right equipment and then it’s based on the average, not based on the individual and taken from a chart.
  • Focusing only on the mathematics of a workout and trying to stick with strictly the fat burning zone takes a lot of mental energy that could be devoted to form and even enjoyment.
  • The theory of the fat burning zone suggests that the ultimate zone is at 60 percent of the maximum heart rate. However, the fact that each person is different, based on age, sex and other factors, finding the exact fat burning zone is difficult.
  • Rather than focusing on the fat burning zone, go for variety and enjoyment. Whether you want personal training or choose the fun of kickboxing, we can help at One Love Fit Club in Chino, CA.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Best Workouts For Depression

Best Workouts For Depression

At One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA, you see a lot of happy faces leave the gym. That’s because they feel good after a tough workout. In fact, kickboxing workouts for depression are particularly effective. You get the great feeling of stress release by kicking and punching your way through the workout and the lift that comes from the endorphin release. Those chemicals not only increase the body temperature, that causes it to relax, but it burns off stress hormones, while releasing feel good hormones that boost your mood and ease the symptoms of depression.

You need vigorous enough exercise to break a sweat.

Aerobic exercise gets your body moving and boosts circulation. In fact, studies show that aerobic workouts actually provide the best depression-fighting type of exercise. You don’t have to be extremely intense, just get moving. However, the more intense the workout, which causes your body to work and you to sweat, can boost the production of the feel good hormones, endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s way to deal with pain and a natural morphine. They also create a sense of well-being, necessary for fighting depression. Running can be a good depression-fighting tool and of course, so can kickboxing.

Strength training also works in specific cases.

While aerobic workouts have always been used to fight depression, a recent study found that a ten week strength training program could help, too. The results of the study of 45 stroke survivors who also had depression showed a marked improvement. The consensus was that the mastery and control brought from working out to build strength and the focused concentration improved their sense of control to help lift the stroke victims’ spirits.

If you don’t like to run, how about a brisk walk?

It can’t be repeated enough. Just move!!! If you’re feeling down in the dumps or suffer from depression, take a walk and see if you don’t feel better. A brisk walk can improve circulation, can be done by almost anyone and all it takes is a good pair of comfortable walking shoes. If it’s cold outside, take a tip from seniors and walk in the mall. Don’t try to break any records at first, gradually add to your distance and walking time. Make the walk even more enjoyable and get out in nature. There are theories that walking on grass barefoot, called grounding, can also boost your spirits.

  • If you’re stuck in the house and can’t get out, try walking up and down the stairs. If you don’t have stairs, create a path and pace fast through the house or do a few jumping jacks or other calisthenics.
  • Tai chi is good for depression. The slow movements of tai chi can be done by beginners no matter how out of shape you are. They’re tougher than they look and can really make you sweat.
  • One study divided 65 women with anxiety and depression into two groups. One group took yoga and the other didn’t. The group that took yoga showed a marked improvement. It may be the quieting of the mind that helped.
  • If you choose exercise to help you with depression, make it something you enjoy, so you won’t feel like it’s punishment. Enjoyment is one reason many people come to One Love Fit Club for kickboxing.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Exercises To Increase Mobility

Exercises To Increase Mobility

What are exercises to increase mobility? They’re flexibility exercises and mandatory if you want to avoid pulling muscles and facing injuries that can set you back for months. These are range of motion exercises that can even help if you already have an ache or pain when you move in a certain way. Shoulder pain can come from a rotary cuff injury, but it also may be from an impingement that’s caused by bad posture and weaker muscles. Using exercises to increase mobility can help relieve the pain and avoid surgery.

Whether it’s just tight muscles or even osteoarthritis, range of motion exercises can help.

One twelve week study found that a program of exercise helped hip osteoarthritis. The goal was to strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility and balance. The group that exercised had more mobility and less pain than the group that didn’t or one that received ultrasound treatments as a placebo. One good exercise for hip flexibility is walking hip openers. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then lift one knee, bringing it to the chest. Make a circle with that knee, bringing it across the up then across the body and to the side and down. Do the same with the other knee.

Get more mobility in your thoracic spine to relieve shoulder and upper back pain.

Two good exercises to increase mobility, while also improving posture include floor windmills and goal post stretch. Floor windmills require a towel or pillow for under your head. You start laying on your side on the floor with knees and hips bent to a 90 degree angle one on top of the other, making you look like you’re sitting on an imaginary chair. Your arms should be out straight with one hand on top of the other and palms together at shoulder height. Slowly lift the top arm up and rotate it to the other side until it’s level with the other arm and palm to the ceiling. Hold and return to the original position, then switch to the other side.

Strengthen your ankles and improve their range of motion to help improve balance.

Weak ankles can lead to injury and severely limit your performance in the gym, especially when doing squats. This simple exercise increases your range of motion, strengthening the ankles at the same time. Stand next to the wall, putting one hand on the wall for support. Go forward onto your toes into tip-toe position, then slowly lower and rock back onto your heels, lifting up your toes. Repeat at least ten times to build flexibility in the ankles.

  • A goal post stretch requires leaning up against the wall so all point on your body touch, extending your arms bent at the elbow with forearms forming a goal post. As you progress, squeeze your shoulder blades together or try lifting your bent arms higher.
  • A broomstick, wooden or pvc pole can help improve your shoulder, upper back, chest and neck range of motion. Hold it in front of you with your palms down, then lift overhead, going as far back behind you as possible. Return to starting position and repeat.
  • Extended lunges are a great way to stretch. Do a lunge with the right leg forward, but lean far enough forward to put both hands on the ground. Lift your left hand and point it to the sky as you stretch. Return to starting position and lead out with the other leg.
  • At One Love Fit Club, we include many range of motion workouts. Just learning kickboxing can help loosen muscles, too.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Why You Should Keep Workouts Under An Hour

Why You Should Keep Workouts Under An Hour

There are so many reasons to exercise, but you can have too much of a good thing. It’s been shown that exercising a half-hour to 45 minutes is enough to get you into shape. Some studies show that breaking a half hour into three ten-minute sessions is still as beneficial as working out for thirty minutes straight. There’s also more information that indicates you should keep workouts under an hour.

Overtraining can be a problem.

If you’ve never heard of catabolism, don’t feel bad. Many people haven’t. It’s the enemy of anyone trying to build muscle tissue and burn fat. It’s the process that’s started by the hormone cortisol and involves breaking down tissue. While this process is perfectly normal, it’s stimulated by stress and has a negative impact on the body. It breaks down tissue and prevents growth, changes protein to glucose and lowers the body’s ability to synthesize protein. It comes from lack of rest and excess strength training, not allowing the muscles to heal and repair properly. Spending hours at the gym boosts the production of cortisol.

If you’re working out hard or working with weights, after an hour you’ll increase your risk of injury.

People who lift heavy weights are particularly prone to accidents and injury after an hour, but exhaustion and overuse can affect technique and style of those who aren’t lifting, too. Exhaustion can cause poor form that leads to pulled muscles, dislocations, tendinitis and other types of injury. Keeping your workout to 45 minutes can help avoid the problem.

You can develop mental burnout when you train longer.

Just like the body, cortisol can have negative effects on the mind. It can lead to bouts of depression, anxiety or irritability for those who workout too long. The cortisol released affects the other hormones in the body and that’s what creates the biggest problem. Even worse, unlike physical exhaustion and injury, the effect on mental health is often unnoticed.

  • Studies show that you’ll have an excess of cortisol levels after just an hour of exercise. That means keeping your workout to under an hour is important.
  • Overtraining, working out longer than 45 minutes, can weaken your immune system. It can decrease the levels of antibodies in the body.
  • If you’re training to lose weight, don’t think more is better. Training so much that you don’t build muscle tissue is counterproductive and makes weight loss harder. The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn 24/7.
  • We create programs that provide that sweet spot, getting the best possible training without overdoing it. At One Love Fit Club, we’re confident that you’ll see amazing results, we offer a 30-day full money back guarantee.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Weight Training One Day A Week Can Make A Difference

Weight Training One Day A Week Can Make A Difference

We create programs specifically designed for each individual at One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA. Weight training is part of that program. You may not want to build big muscles, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider strength training and using weights is one of the easiest ways to build strength. You can do bodyweight exercises to build strength or use resistance bands. TRX and punching bag workouts also help boost your strength.

So how often do you need strength training, no matter what method you use to develop it.

If you’re a beginner, do strength training a couple of times a week, making sure you get at least a day or two rest between sessions. The best way to do strength training is doing compound movements and lifts. A compound movement involves several muscles groups at the same time. A squat is one example. The more you workout, the more difficult your strength training should become to get the results you want, but doing it every day should be avoided.

Strength training can provide a lot of benefits.

You’ll get a lot of aerobic benefits from weight training, particularly if you do it as part of a circuit training program or even training for kickboxing. It helps tone your body and also boosts your aerobic capacity, and that improved circulation provides nutrients and oxygen to the muscles you work. It builds endurance, while also proves aid in preventing injury by strengthening muscles, ligaments, tendons and even bones.

Strength training offers benefits for your mental health, too.

There are several studies that show that doing strength training regularly can provide cognitive benefits. It not only helps you think clearer, it also helps improve emotional health and provide mental well-being. If you’re older, it helps prevent the muscle loss that occurs with age and improves mobility and helps maintain self-sufficiency. It helps people maintain the muscles that allow them to remain active.

  • You’ll be amazed at how strength training can help relieve pain from arthritis and back pain. In fact, it’s been found as effective for arthritis pain as medication.
  • Strength training helps you take weight off and keep it off permanently. That’s important for protecting you from or controlling serious conditions like high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.
  • Strength training helps prevent injury by building muscle tissue that gives you the strength to keep your balance and stay erect. It boosts physical functioning and studies show it reduces the risk of falling by 40%.
  • At One Love Fit Club, we offer personal training and kickboxing instruction, both of which provide strength training. Our trainers will create a program of strength training that’s right for you.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Grains And Your Digestive Health

Grains And Your Digestive Health

At One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA, I make it my mission to provide the best information to help you become fitter, which is why I sometimes focus on diet in the blogs. I get a lot of questions about diet. With the popularity of the Caveman and Primal diet, there are a lot of questions about grains and whether they’re harmful to your digestive health and overall health. There is a lot of information to indicate there are some problems digesting it, but also reasons to consume grains, such as the nutrients it contains.

Grains are hard to digest.

Grains are seeds, which have a tough outer coating to protect the potential offspring. They’re often spread by an animal consuming them and passing them through the intestines. They need to be hard to digest to survive the digestive process. Those seeds can also cause diverticulitis. We tend to eat grains in the form of flour, which seems to solve that problem. However, refined flour is processed and removes the bran and the germ, where most of the nutrients are, leaving only the endosperm. So it doesn’t affect digestive health, but supplies almost empty calories.

If you use whole grain flour, you may face other digestive issues.

Whole grains are considered a healthier option, since they provide more nutrition and digest slower, reducing the potential for blood sugar spikes. However, many of those same grains contain gluten. Gluten is a hard to digest protein. Because of breeding to increase yield, much of our wheat has a higher gluten content. That causes it to be even more difficult to digest.

As seeds, grains contain enzyme inhibitors.

Every human depends on enzymes to keep their body functioning. They’re the catalysts that gets digestion started. Without enzymes, no digestion would take place. Plants also contain enzymes that start the growth process by making food available. They also have enzyme inhibitors that prevent that from occurring until conditions are right, such as adequate water, soil and heat. They also prevent the seeds from getting destroyed in the digestive tract. When you consume seeds, these enzyme inhibitors can block the bodies enzymes and play havoc on digestion.

  • Seeds contain phytic acid that can block absorption of important nutrients such as iron, zinc and calcium. While modern processing methods remove the good nutrients, they don’t remove the phytic acid.
  • Soaking, fermenting and sprouting grains are ways to make grains easier to digest. It helps remove the phytic acid, while also aiding in breaking down the is one way to make them easier to digest by removing some of the phytic acid and aiding the break down of disaccharides.
  • Food reactions to grains like gluten and disaccharide intolerance may have developed because of the ways grains are processed and enzyme inhibitors.
  • Stick with whole grain food. Find bread made with sprouted grain or whole grains made by fermenting, like sour dough, especially if you’re having digestive problems.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

The Benefits Of Strength Training

The Benefits Of Strength Training

When you picture strength training and talk about the benefits of strength training, some people picture lifting weights and big bulky muscles. That’s not necessarily true. In fact, kickboxing is great as a strength building exercise. It helps you build strength fast. You do a lot of striking with your feet and hands and punching, which builds strong muscles. There are a lot of different types of strength building exercise. Whether they involve isometric resistance, like push-ups or isotonic strength training, like weight lifting, you’ll be healthier because you do them.

Strength training not only builds muscles, it protects bones.

The body is amazing. It has ways to protect itself. When the muscles tug on bones, it stresses the bones ensures they’ll be strong and dense. It reduces the potential for osteoporosis and can even reverse it. New studies show that diet and weight bearing exercises can actually reverse bone loss and be as beneficial as any drug on the market today, without the bad side effects. The only side effects from a healthy diet and regular exercise is looking and feeling great.

You lose weight easier and keep it off with strength training.

Eating healthy is the first step to losing weight and keeping it off, but strength training comes in next. It not only burns calories, it builds muscle tissue at the same time. Unlike aerobic exercises, like running and bicycling, whose calories come from burning both fat and muscle, strength training burns primarily fat tissue for energy. That’s important because the more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism is, since muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance. It helps increase your resting metabolism.

Strength training gives your energy level a boost.

If you’re tired, do a few minutes of exercise and you’ll be amazed how it helps. It’s not just the time you’re working out either. It gives benefits when you’re not working out. Strength training helps build muscle tissue so you find tasks easier. That means you’ll be less tired at the end of the day and have more energy to do fun things when your work is done. One study showed that when inactive people that were chronically fatigued exercised, they increased their energy by 20% and diminished their fatigue by as much as 65%.

  • Strength training also helps improve your mood. It elevates the level of endorphins, your happy hormones. New studies show it also has a beneficial effect on the brain that also may improve your mood.
  • Regular strength training can improve your sleep pattern and provide you with a better night’s sleep.
  • Strength training can help lower blood pressure. It can lower it by as much as three points and is one more tool in the box to good health. It’s best when combined with aerobic exercise, like in kickboxing.
  • Strength training not only burns calories when you workout, it also continues to burn calories after you stop. During the recovery state, after the workout, a process called “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption” or EPOC is responsible for it.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

The Best Recipes For Meal Prepping On A Budget

The Best Recipes For Meal Prepping On A Budget

I emphasize at One Love Fit Club in Chino Hills, CA, that what you eat is just as important as working out. That’s one reason I also suggest people plan and cook meals ahead on the weekend for quick preparation during the week. It saves money, ultimately saves time, is quicker than a drive through—just heat and serve—and gives you healthy alternatives to junk food, while also aiding in weight loss. I’m providing tips and recipes for meal prepping on a budget to help everyone get the healthiest meals that are low cost, yet nutritious.

Save with a meatless Monday.

One of the biggest drags on the budget for most people is animal protein. If you want to save money, consider one or two days of vegetarian meals. No one plant source has a complete protein profile, but you can combine them to create a delicious meal that has all the amino acids necessary. Combining nuts and seeds with whole grains is one way. Think peanut butter on whole wheat toast for this. Beans and rice, a favorite dish of many, combines whole grains with beans for a complete protein. Just add sides of frozen or canned vegetables and/or salad and you have a budget friendly meal.

When you bake or boil meat or poultry, make a lot and let nothing go to waste.

To save time and effort, make meat or poultry in bulk, not just for one week’s worth of menus. You can freeze the extra cooked meat or poultry and use it in menus later. Create several recipes both baked and boiled from one type of animal protein. For those boiling chicken or beef, save the liquid for soup. Just add frozen vegetables, rice, potatoes, herbs and spices and you have a nutritious soup. All you need is whole grain crackers or bread and a salad. Shred the meat or poultry and add taco spices for a taco salad.

Make one pan Italian veggies and chicken.

Here’s a recipe that serves four with a calorie count of under 600 calories. You’ll need a pound and a quarter of chicken breasts or tender for this one. Marinate chicken breasts in a bag in the refrigerator with a third cup of a mixture of 1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar and ½ cup Italian dressing for an hour. Cut into bite size pieces. Combine with leftover fresh vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and tomatoes from the previous week or fresh cut ones, 3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tsp. dried Italian seasoning and a bit of garlic powder. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, turn, brush with half the remaining dressing mixture, and bake another 15 minutes. Drizzle with remaining Italian dressing mixture and serve.

  • Bowls make a delicious lunch or dinner. Brown rice bowls topped with leftover chickpeas, spinach and sweet potatoes or spicy shredded beef on a salad are examples.
  • Use leftover meat and poultry to make a delicious salad. The marinated Italian Chicken from above would top your favorite greens and you won’t need extra dressing.
  • Whether freezing precooked meat or poultry or precooked vegetables, lay them out on a tray in the freezer until frozen. Then package. It allows you to take measured amounts out, not one big clump.
  • When selecting menus for a budget, to get the most nutrition for your dollar, look for ones that include brown rice, beans, green vegetables, low sodium canned vegetables, frozen vegetables and peanut butter.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

Is it a struggle to lose weight? Sure it is. It took a long time to add those extra pounds and in order to lose them, you have to change a lot of things in your life. Did you know there’s a simple way to not only help you shed those extra pounds, but also boost your energy? It’s by drinking more water! I’ll bet you’re already scowling and saying “that’s just too simple.” Remember, sometimes the simplest things help us the most. When you consider that the body is about fifty-five to sixty-five percent water, based on your age and sex, you start to see how important it is. The percentage of water varies from organ to organ, with the heart and brain containing 73 % water, lungs 83%, muscles and kidneys 79%.

Do you want an energy boost? Turn to water, not coffee or soft drinks.

If you immediately head for the candy counter to get more energy or are a frequent flyer at the coffee shop, try this little experiment. When your energy is sagging, head for the water cooler and drink a glass or two of water, instead of your normal alternatives. You’ll be amazed at how it boosts your energy level. Too often exhaustion comes from mild dehydration and water takes care of that to get your metabolism up and running at peak performance. Coffee dehydrates you and soft drinks do that and spike your sugar levels that drop just as quickly, while increasing your caloric intake.

Studies show that you can improve your metabolism with water.

Do you want to boost your metabolism as much as 30 percent? When you drink water, it can do that for about an hour and a half. If you only drink two liters of water a day, it can increase the average person’s metabolism and cause the body to burn an extra 96 calories every day. While that doesn’t sound huge, over a month, it means an extra pound shed. It’s simple and easy, while providing a big benefit. It could mean as much as ten pounds lost over a year.

Water makes you feel less hungry.

Everyone has felt being hungry, but not knowing what they want. Sometimes, that’s really thirst the body thinks is hunger. Staying hydrated helps that problem. Drinking water also fills you up and helps you eat less. One study showed that a group that drank a half liter of water before a meal compared to a group of dieters that didn’t, lost about 44% more weight! That’s significant…and again, very easy.

  • When you’re drinking water, to get the most benefit from every swallow, go for cold water. The body has to warm the water to body temperature, burning additional calories in the process.
  • Is belly bloat a problem? Water helps prevent constipation that can cause it, not only keeping you regular, but also looking your slimmest and best.
  • Soft drinks often make you feel thirstier. There’s a reason why. Buried underneath the flavor of all that sugar is salt. It’s an amazing marketing technique. You drink a can of soda because you’re thirsty and then get even thirstier, so you need another.
  • Every person should have approximately eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, based on your age, height and weight. As you age, you dehydrate faster and drinking more water will keep your skin more youthful, while boosting your brain power.

For more information, contact us today at One Love Fit Club